Captain's Blog, Stardate 072023.27 - Hogwarts Takes a Summer Break...In Vegas!

Ah, summertime! It conjures up images of sun-drenched afternoons and swimming. But what about the wizards and witches at Hogwarts? What do they do during their summer break? Let's take a whimsical guess!
Picture the Hufflepuffs: steadfast, loyal, and always up for an adventure. They emerge into the cool summer air of England, dressed in casual, stylish Hufflepuff-themed attire. Swimming? Perhaps not, considering England's infamous weather. So, what's a better alternative for our Hufflepuff friends? Why, heading to Vegas and the Millennium FANDOM BAR, of course!
Here at MFB, when the outdoor temperature reaches 115, we keep it nice and cool inside - especially with our delicious, ice-cold cocktails. The heat wave doesn't bother us, in fact, we're celebrating it!
So, grab your favorite Hogwarts-inspired summer wear, dust off your wand, and join us for a celebration of Harry Potter's birthday and a summer break like no other. Whether you're a Hufflepuff, Gryffindor, Slytherin, or Ravenclaw, you're invited to the 'Summer Break at Hogwarts' event at MFB. We promise it's going to be enchantingly fun!
'Cosplay or not, Let's Fandom!' Join us on Saturday, July 29 at 8 pm. No cover. 21+ only.