Captain's bLog 072023.21 : A French Connection at FANDOM BAR
In the world of cinema and fandom, France has given us more than its share of iconic characters. The ones that truly resonate with us at FANDOM BAR are characters that inspire us, entertain us, and sometimes, even annoy us (we're looking at you, Gaston!)
Take for instance, The Three Musketeers - an embodiment of gallant swashbuckling adventure, their timeless motto, 'One for all, and all for one!' could very well translate to our own 'One for all fandoms, and all fandoms at MFB...'
Next, we have the charismatic villain, Gaston from Beauty and the Beast. As despicable as he might be, we can't help but admire his songs, his confidence, and his refusal to be anything less than the center of attention.
Let's not forget about Jean Luc Picard, the intrepid captain from Star Trek who's proudly hailed from France's wine country. His leadership, wisdom, and bravery continue to inspire fans worldwide.
And speaking of French connections, did you know our very own FANDOM BAR captain, Alex, is also from France? We celebrated this delightful French connection at our 'Ooh-la-la' event on Friday, July 21st, starting at 8 pm. From berets to cosplay, we embraced the French spirit wholeheartedly and wished Alex a happy birthday. If you missed it, don't worry, we'll always have more exciting events at FANDOM BAR for you to join
So, whether you're a fan of French cinema or French culture, remember that FANDOM BAR is always the place to express your love for your favorite fandoms. As they say in France, 'Cosplay ou non, Faisons Fandom!' (Cosplay or not, let's Fandom!)