Captain's bLog 022021.25 : Doc Phineas & the MFB Steampunk Ball

Doc Phineas at The Millennium Fandom Bar's 5th Annual Steampunk Ball (2-15-2020)
We asked Doc Phineas to write a little note, in a middle of his pretty busy schedule, about the Steampunk Community! We at MFB, are still planning our 6th Annual Steampunk Ball sometimes in 2021.
“The Las Vegas Steampunk.Community continues to thrive under the auspices of the Steampunk Guild. We have many fantastic time travelers who absolutely love hanging out at the Millennium Fandom Bar!
It is our official home bar and club. Of course, this year we are still in a bit of a holding pattern until Covid comes under control, with most of our conventions gone virtual until we can all be together again.
We have many good times planned for the future with Steampunk Balls, makers nights, Steampunk Guild parties, our annual train rides on the Southern Nevada Railway, with after parties at the MFB.
I am very excited to announce that we are planning the world’s first Steampunk Film Festival. Also, Steamathon 3 will be returning just as soon as we get the all clear! So Steampunks around the world, Stay Safe until our next meeting, and see you at my Las Vegas Home: the MFB!!”
The Millennium Fandom Bar's 5th Annual Steampunk Ball (2-15-2020)
“Steam On!” Doc Phineas, guest blogger for the Community bLog