Captain’s bLog 132020.4 : from the bridge of the USS Millennium Fandom

The original idea for a “Fandom Bar” occurred to me when I realized there were no real spot for fans like me to gather socially and have a drink at the same time. I’m not into sports, gambling or smoking so the choices were limited in Las Vegas. Since I knew the bar and hospitality industry, I thought it might be a good idea to open a “fandomized” Cheers style bar ahead of my initial plan, that is, opening a fun, genuine and truly organic bar when I retire. A “fandom clubhouse” for the nerd, geek & pop cultures, for-and- with the Community.
I guess my impatience was rewarded with glorious encounters, a wealth of brilliant human beings as new friends, a real sense and feel of a community in my life, bringing this state of grace that: “you’re doing what you’re suppose to do, at the right time, the right place, with the right people!” It is a profound privilege and luxury to be able to experience this intense Joy in your life. A slice of life to be appreciated on the moment and cherished as your most valuable treasure and accomplishment.
So, the Millennium Fandom Bar aka MFB, or “Fandom” as many in our community call it, is my baby, my precious, our home- away-from-home, and was created from the ground up with the “by the fans for the fans” mind set. Our Prime Directives aboard our unique Vessel to Fandom are very clear and simple. Respect One’s Fandom. Respect One’s Cosplay execution. Respect One’s gender and race. Leave Politics and Religions outside. Walk the Ladies to their cars.
In my shiny vision, MFB is in a sense like the Fhloston Paradise Luxury Space Liner in The Fifth Element, once you board our “Friendom” ship, you’ll be able to leave the “organized chaos of the universe” to enter The Fandom Realm, where Your Fandom is King or Queen, where Your imaginary really become Our real imaginary, for even just few hours.
Even if Las Vegas is known as The Capital of Entertainment in the known universe, the Millennium Fandom Bar is like Asgard: It’s not a place. it’s the people. it’s crowded with Fantastic People and Where to Find Them! That’s why there are no strangers, only “friends meeting for the first time” in a hub for cosplayers, a platform for fandoms galore.
On its already 5 years long voyage to wonderful and colorful fandoms, the crew of our FANtastic vessel always kept the “We Love You 3000” philosophy in mind, and “has performed admirably!” Because This Is The Way at MFB.
In these unresting times with the Covid-19 aka Novel Coronavirus, we are launching our Captain’s bLog so the Community can have a platform to start writing and sharing their fandoms, knowledges of their own dear fan world, in-depth view of their passions, love for cosplaying and cosplayers, Do-It-Yourself (DIY) cosplay, How-To tricks & advices for materials, prop making guidelines, various Arts work, reviews of books, movies, video games & more, and basically, things & themes related to the Fandom World in the society.
Anyone is welcome to write and send his Captain’s bLog to: in word & doc format (500 or so words, no .pdf) along with photos if any (his/hers to be posted and/or illustration ones). We will publish them regularly with sometimes priority to blogs related to the “fandom of the moment (FTM).”
And every time we post Your Captain’s bLog, you will be given a complimentary Well Drink at MFB!
All your steady support for MFB is still very welcomed.
With AMAZON: Before doing all your normal purchases on Amazon, simply click on the Amazon button on the top left on our website then continue as usual.
You can also check our MFB Store here and/or donate too.
We made a pretty cool Special Edition t-shirt: Fandom vs Covid-19! Go check it out!!
Millennium Fandom Bar Special Edition Tshirt: Fandom vs Covid-19
Don’t forget to subscribe to our newsletter, Like our social media and share the Love!
Finally, let’s not forget our motto since the beginning of MFB: “Cosplay or not, let’s Fandom!!”
May The Force Be With You, Live Long and Prosper,
Alex Pusineri, Owner of MFB, at Your Fandom Service